You are a princess, destined to become a queen. Your own wondrous story has already begun. Your 'once upon a time' is now.

Dominion of NEITH

β €β €β €β €β €β € Dominion of NEITH is the country’s formal title. Dominion comes from the Latin dominus, which means master. The term Dominionβ€” that which is mastered or ruledβ€” was used by the NEITH to describe their colonies or territorial possessions. Dominion of NEITH is one of the ruling factions beside the Alovetta Empire and Synestia Kingdom.

β €β €β €β €β €β € NEITH's governing body, the Circlet of Five Petals, is headed by Chancellor Isadore Eleftherios. The dominion is the most verdant nation, boasting the stablest climate. Lies to the cobalt and verdancy of the most prolific and prosperous. Their people have developed their own magic, science and technology. Humans are the only denizens of NEITH.

The five seats represent the following divisions:
Division of HouseholdDivision of MagicDivision of Science and TechnologyDivision of HumanitiesDivision of Public Health

Government office of the Dominion of NEITH.

Chancellery of the Dominion of NEITH.

β €β €β €β €β €β € The city of Azurea, a city under the auspices of the state is controlled by Dominion of NEITH. The birthplace of the first princess, Aaleasha Triven Demetria, was born to an aristocratic couple, Theodore Visilius Demetria and Artemisia Nayanish.

A journey of Azurea City

Empire glory and past heritage

β €β €β €β €β €β € A city trail in Azurea City will lead one to many forts, palaces and mansions that bear testimony to the splendour of the NEITH.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Of them, the 15th century fort stands out due to its sheer magnanimity and thumping presence. It overlooks the city like a guardian standing atop a rocky cliff.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Around the majestic fort’s feet, Azurea City unfolds into a jumble of blue-hued houses, medieval buildings and winding streets. The graceful palaces, forts and temples strewn throughout the city bring alive its famed historic grandeur.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Set in stark contrast against the harsh backdrop of the Thar, the azure-painted houses have earned it the nickname β€˜The Azurea City’. There are several stories behind the city’s unique colour.

β €β €β €β €β €β € The glittering azure-blue city of Azurea is especially impressive when viewed from the ramparts of the Fort.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Perched high above the city of Azurea, magnificent Art Deco palace that serves as the empire residence to this date. Today, the honey sandstone and white marble palace has been converted into a luxurious private museum and library.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Azurea echoes with tales of rich cultural heritage and legacy. This fairytale-like state is an amazing concoction of dazzling colours, magnificent sights and humble residents.

The Chosen Moppet

Government office of the Dominion of NEITH.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Dominion of NEITH dominates the two territorial passages of the Alovetta Empire and the Kingdom of Synestia. Divide the territory with sundry divisions led by Isadore Eleftherios as the 15th chancellor, The Circlet of Five Petals leader.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Aaleasha was born of King Theodore and Queen Artemisia, the most renowned aristocratic couple in the NEITH who dominated the other territories, born in a circumlittoral sphere where the water magic and siren magic users were triumphant.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Both of her parents are water magic users who have continued to practice their abilities until now, born with the same talent, Aaleasha continues to train her abilities to be tantamount to her parents. Because water magic users are the most glorified.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Living peacefully without misery, hardship, or even the slightest menace, NEITH is the most sovereign, free from contravention or a feud that has the most population among the victorious powers.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Growing real, Aaleasha's life was always guaranteed by her parents, living in an environment that was friendly to its inhabitants, making it easy for Aaleasha to mingle with the denizens regardless of caste. Coexist and transparent for unarmed migrants. Opulent and affluent life continues, safe without armistice and makes life in NEITH always peaceful.

Her eyes are blue, and blue eyes up close are a celestial phenomenon: nebulae as seen through telescopes, the light of unnamed stars diffused through dusts and elements and endlessness. Layers of light. Blue eyes are starlight.

General Information

NameAaleasha Triven Demetria
NicknameAalea, Asha, Lea, Iven
Place of BirthAzurea City, Dominion of NEITH
Date of BirthJanuary, 31st
Blood TypeO -
Zodiac SignAquarius
HobbyPainting, Singing, Reading History Books, Travelling.
LikesAstronomical Things, Music (Orchestra), Portraiture, Flowers (Peony, Carnations, Gypshopila, Rose), Deep Blue Sea.
DislikesNoise and Veggies.


β €β €β €β €β €β € As the name implies, Aaleasha means honesty, and Triven means subtlety. From the figure of a young girl who always prioritizes veracity over anything else, accentuate an authoritative figure but still shows cheerful habitude. Aaleasha is an ambitious person, determined to achieve something that is to be achieved, also never give up to get what she wants, doesn’t mean in terms of imposing, she is more often uses her logic to deal with such things.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Her chic nature means that she can keeps control of emotions for unexpectedly things, speaking courteously and maintaining an attitude as ladylike.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Not a type of picker to be friends, she is an extroverted and transparent in behaving to anyone especially those closest to her, because of the cheeriness that is spread out, oftentimes her seductive essential arises instead of being close to someone she loves. Even so, she’s not a real seducer who means bad.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Also, in dealing with a problem, even though she has many choices, she is more likely to be oriented toward the realistic side by putting aside her feelings, both her and others’. Feelings are only hindrances that make the goals to be achieved become obstructed.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Nevertheless, she remains loving and amatory typeβˆ’ especially for children and her closest person. She is also can be quite childish and clingy to those who are close to her. If she already has a closeness with someone, she will not falter to give anything to the person closest to her choice, both verbally and in action, which can enhance her own sentimentality.


β†·β†·Physical Apperance
Face ClaimHaiyi Vocaloid by ATDAN

β €β €β €β €β €β € Overall, her physical appearance looks like an early adult in general. With a height of 170cm, she has a full body that makes her look proportional. Body posture that looks ideal for women around her age.
β €β €β €β €β €β € She has a white skin tone, spotless, without any slight flaws. Her head was adorned with wob light sky blue hair and royal-bluish eyes, as well as her eyebrows that had matching colors with her hair. Also, headbands of pink jellyfish that always adorn her bluish-manes. As a human who has siren magic, she always wore a magical necklet which was trusted as one of her strengths to establish ballot or singing.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Complete with sweet sheer lips that often show a smile to the closest person. Often she uses an alloy of outfit styles that are exactly the same as her azure vibes.

Her lips were like the soft ridges of dunes in the desert at sunset; like the crests of waves meeting in the frothy rush to shore; like the folded wings of courting birds.


Water Magic

"Waterβ€”the mighty, the pure, the beautiful, the unfathomableβ€”where is thy element so glorious as it is in thine own domain, the deep seas? What an infinity of power is in the far Atlantic, the boundary of two separate worlds, apart like those of memory and of hope!"

"The language of the Mystic Arts is as old as civilization. The sorcerers of antiquity called the use of this language "spells"; the source code that shapes reality. We harness energy drawn from other dimensions of the Multiverse to cast spells, to conjure shields and weapons, to make magic!"

β €β €β €β €β €β € Water, the element of emotion, healing and transformation runs through our bodies. There are many that Sea Magic along the shores, but many forget that there is water everywhere and water magic can be practiced anywhere even if you are not living by a river, lake or ocean. Water is the giver and taker of life. Like water Fae and Mermaids, water can be beautiful and calm or vengeful and unforgiving. Water is the element of healing, movement, and transformation. Water can be worked with in a variety of ways either physically with sacred vessels, and tools or spiritually by connecting with water spirits and deity.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Back when Aaleasha was five years old, developed her talent as a wizard with the ability of water magic that allows her to cast magical spells and feats through water. She can cast spells, which is a procedure for producing specific magical effects. This is often of words that take effect when spoken, though others are able to cast spells merely by thinking, with gestures, with magical objects or through a ritual of some sort.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Furthermore, she can heal herself or others by using water by absorbing water molecules and transfer medicament into the body at a molecular level or having water molecules to repair and regenerate damaged cells and molecules. She can restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning. Though she might potentially heal any form of bodily damage, the patient must be alive, even if hanging by a thin thread, in order to be healed; once the patient has died, it would transcend healing and would require resurrection instead.

Siren Magic

"And you sang, "Sail to me, sail to me,
Let me enfold you,
Here I am, here I am
Waiting to hold you"

β €β €β €β €β €β € Different from most who have siren magic talent, Aaleasha is incapable to transform as a indigenous Siren, she can’t do amphibious transformation. Which is able to take on an ordinary human appearance through a painful metamorphosis to blend in with modern society and avoid being detected for varying lengths of time. Gained legs and later went back into the water go through a painful transformation process. Their teeth become dagger-like and their skin turns into scales; silvery-gray scales for mermaids. Their hands become talons and a dorsal fin emerges from their backs. Their legs fuse together to form a scaly fishtail. When they transform into their human-like forms, they shed their scaly fishtails.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Meanwhile, she was only capable to hone her siren magic talent in singing. Like the rest of the merpeople, she has identical abilities and powers.
β €β €β €β €β €β € Siren Song - She is able to emit a captivating singing voice that lures anyone who hears. it toward the singer. Apparently those who are exposed to it have lingering side effects; the exact nature of these symptoms are as of yet not clearly defined. Eventually, the Siren Song leads the person that hears it to hallucinate seeing that mermaid everywhere and hearing their Siren Song out in the ocean. The person will then be driven into the water to find that mermaid and eventually drown. The song can be effective on anything or anyone, including men, women, and even animals.

And my hearts at home when my hand is holding yours.

New Life on Earth

Government office of the Dominion of NEITH.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Starting from the talent that she has in addition to water magic that continues to be developed early on, Aaleasha trains her fingers to paint. As she grew into a teenager, the more she learned from the outside, something that looked beautiful as a pastime and self-complacency for her, the Art Deco museum became the only place where she continued to embed imagination and ideas that kept her wanting to pump up her great desires become a potraitist. Disseminating and showing her painting skills to the public, not just the NEITH denizens, fostered Aaleasha's potential to go down where more people knew her skills.

β €β €β €β €β €β € β €β €β €β €β €β € Down to Earth, to the Human World.

β €β €β €β €β €β € In her nineteenth, Aaleasha went and came down to Earth to chasing her desires, mingled and faced every new hustle that humans used to do on earth, meeting new people with different personalities, continued to practice her skills in painting, now she was good at introducing every scratch and potray on the canvas against the inhabitants of the Earth, and it works.

β €β €β €β €β €β € But another reason she came down to Earth was because of the ties that were made as Fai knew was an introvert, friendless person. Making Aaleasha the only friend who came from the same realm.

β €β €β €β €β €β € And nowadays, Earth is the only place where she stands, she lives outside the NEITH, living a human life in general, peaceful conditions that differ greatly from her realm, where none of the Earth's people are capable or practice magic in their world.

β €β €β €β €β €β € Aaleasha grows normally on Earth in human life. Talented in painting makes her a potraitist who has an income, particularly to espouse her daily viability while living on Earth.

Keep the eyes on the stars, and feet on the ground. My feet tell me where I want to be.


Fai Astrazeth Louvenlash

β €β €β €β €β €β € The youngest emperor in Alovetta Empire, also as a childhood friend of Aaleasha, was first met when Aaleasha was 7 years old and Fai was 9 years old, due to a meeting between the two families that brought them to these days. Fai, who since met is a cold and calm person, made her want to change that demeanor so that you easily alloy with the surroundings, maybe she is the only friend who is the most easy to talk to because their childhood brought them to get used to being together. Actually, their friendship survives until nowadays, where they now both live on Earth to live a normal human life without their magic.


Government office of the Dominion of NEITH.

β€Ί Aaleasha loves painting, especially to paint animate things rather than inanimate objects.
β€Ί She loved everything blues, sunny blue and blissfulness, not dark blue and lesion.
β€Ί Her voice is mellifluous as one of the Sirens, she is good at singing.
β€Ί Oftentime she spends all day for reading in her family's private library, studying and observing.
β€Ί She also likes to travelling, anywhere outside her own territory.
β€Ί Learning a lot about astronomy made her overwhelmed, but that now made her really dive into astronomical things.
β€Ί She likes listening to music, mainly the orchestra.
β€Ί She doesn't like noise, especially if the noise is caused by wrangle, or contention.
› Pavlova and Pot de crème are her favorite desserts.
β€Ί Veggies make her want to vomit all the time, hence, she is very avoiding anything called veggies.
β€Ί Spoiled and seductive, but only applies to the people closest to her, she still preserve her demeanor towards the people around her, especially those she just met.
β€Ί The ocean is one of the places to fill her energy, listen to the waves and enjoy the breeze from the sea.